Michelin Guide 2024 and The Best Bib Gourmand Restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau Released
The Michelin Guide 2024 announced nine new additions to its Hong Kong and Macau guide. In total, 79 restaurants in Hong Kong and 16 restaurants in Macau received the badge of culinary excellence this year. On the other hand, the Michelin Bib Gourmand is given to a total of 77 food establishments, with 67 in Hong Kong, including seven new entrants, and 10 in Macau. As usual, they range from traditional hawker stallers to contemporary dining spots. (Source: Lifestyle Asia) 
More details…

《香港澳門米芝蓮指南2024》及港澳最佳Bib Gourmand餐廳發報
《香港澳門米芝蓮指南2024》公布其香港和澳門指南新增九家餐廳。今年共有79家香港餐廳及16家澳門餐廳獲頒卓越烹飪獎狀。另一方面,共有77家餐廳獲得米芝蓮必比登推介,其中香港有67家,包括7家新入圍餐廳,澳門則有10家。餐廳的範圍如常由傳統的小販攤位到現代的餐飲場所。(資料來源Lifestyle Asia)詳情…

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Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants 2024: 
6 Hong Kong Restaurants Secure Spots in The Prestigious List

In 2023, five of Hong Kong’s restaurants earned spots in 1st to 50th list with The Chairman ranked at number 13, and being awarded as the Best Restaurant in Hong Kong. Hong Kong nabs six spots from 51st to 100th places. (Source: TimeOut) More details…



FEHD Expands Scope of "Professional Certification System" to Cover General Restaurant Licence Applications
The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) announced that the scope of the "Professional Certification System" (PCS) will be expanded to cover general restaurant licence applications from 1 February. Applicants can choose between the current system (i.e. to issue a full licence upon the completion of the final on-site check by an FEHD officer) or the PCS which adopts an approach of "licence first, inspection later" for the issue of full licences. More details…


Hong Kong Restaurant Spring Edition 2024
Hong Kong Restaurant Week is a celebration of culinary achievements by exquisite restaurants in Hong Kong for dining enthusiasts, offering carefully crafted menus at valued prices to indulge with friends and loved ones. An annual event held by DiningCity with two editions each year, it is the perfect opportunity to try out newly opened eateries, experience high-calibre dining at premium restaurants or simply indulge in qualify food, for any occasions. Dining period till 5 May. More details…


"Cut Plastic Use" Thematic Website
In Hong Kong, the relevant legislation for regulating disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products was passed by the Legislative Council in October last year, and had come into effect on 22 April. The Government has launched the “Cut Plastic Use” thematic website which provides one-stop information for the public and the trades, including information on the legislation and the various options of alternatives to plastic products. More details…



Hong Kong International Travel Expo (13-16 June)
ITE Hong Kong which for many years the city’s major travel fair, offers a goldmine of valuable travel information for travellers in seek of inspiration. The Expo features a large array of official pavilions ranging from local to popular overseas destinations, travel agents, attractions, airlines, hotels and resorts, etc. More details…

香港國際旅遊展(ITE),多年來是香港的大型旅遊展。 為旅客提供最新及流行旅遊資訊,是旅遊靈感的泉源。 ITE的參展商包括本地到海外熱門目的地的旅遊局、旅行社、景點、航空公司、酒店和度假村等,是搜羅疫後旅遊資訊、計劃或預定暑假及下半年外遊的及時的平台。

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Qingdao, Xi'an Added to HK's Individual Visit Scheme
From 6 March, Qingdao and Xi'an were added to the Individual Visit Scheme, allowing residents with permanent household registration in either of the two cities to apply for permission to arrange their own trips to the SAR. Tourists will be able to stay in Hong Kong for up to seven days at a time. More details…


New Country Park in Hong Kong - Robin's Nest Country Park Established
The Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) announced that Robin's Nest Country Park (RNCP) is established. RNCP, occupying an area of about 530 hectares at Sha Tau Kok in Northeastern New Territories, is the 25th country park in Hong Kong. The Park lies on a continuum of mountain ridges stretching from the Shenzhen Wutong Mountain Scenic Area to the north and Pat Sin Leng Country Park to the south. The AFCD, together with the Shenzhen Wutong Mountain Scenic Area Management Authority, has been formulating a work programme, including information exchanges, research and enhancement of the quality of the ecological corridor, to create a larger area of continuous habitats and promote ecological integration of the two places. More details…

香港新郊野公園 - 紅花嶺郊野公園成立


Our Food Our Future Unconference 2.0 (31 May)
By bringing together the most innovative and progressive voices within the industry, the one day conference will highlight sustainability bets practices within the food and beverage industry and demonstrate actionable outcomes. More details…

Our Food Our Future Unconference 2.0(5月31日)

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teamLab: Continuous | Art@Harbour 2024
(now till 2 June)

The Leisure and Cultural Services Department (LCSD) joins hands with the international art collective teamLab to present the ‘teamLab: Continuous’ exhibition at Tamar Park and the Central and Western District Promenade (Central Section). Hundreds of colourful luminous installations will continuously change colours and sounds as visitors interact with them. Similarly, the adorned trees in the park will also respond with shifting coloured lights and sounds. The exhibits span across the lawns of Tamar Park and extend to the Victoria Harbour, showcasing the vibrant harbourfront areas of Hong Kong. More details…



S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival Is Back for Another Edition in 2024 (8-9 June)
The world’s (and Hong Kong’s) wettest party is back! After a spectacular debut last year, S2O Hong Kong Songkran Music Festival will make a splash again in 2024 at the Central Harbourfront Event Space, coinciding with the Dragon Boat Festival long weekend. This year’s edition will have an expanded wet zone, an elevated 360-degree water-splashing experience, stage effects, and soundscapes. What a summer drenched in fun it’ll be!
More details…

S2O亞洲潑水音樂節 - 2024年香港站(6月8日至9日)
S2O亞洲潑水音樂節已成為世界上最大型的潑水節慶祝活動,繼去年精彩亮相後,今年將再次引起轟動,適逢端午節長週末,今年將擴大濕區、提升 360 度潑水體驗、舞台效果和音景。詳情…

World of Snacks (17-23 July)
The fair at the HKCEC will bring together a huge range of snacks and popular treats from across the globe, offering a diverse experience for shoppers. Major exhibit categories include confectionery, travel delight, oldie snacks, healthy treats such as natural snacks & bars as well as party snacks. More details…

於香港會議展覽中心設展的「零食世界」將網羅環球特色小食及人氣零食,獻上來自世界各地的直送美食,讓入場人士來一趟不同地方的味覺體驗之旅。主要展品類別包括朱古力及糖果、環球零食、懷舊零食、健康滋味如天然食品/ 能量棒及派對小食。詳情…

Inaugural Super Terminal Expo Confirms Event Dates on 5-7 November
Informa Markets Asia announced that Super Terminal Expo, an event uniting professionals from the aviation, shipping, rail, and road industries, will be held at the AsiaWorld-Expo in Hong Kong. Super Terminal Expo has joined forces with CAPA - Centre for Aviation (CAPA), the world’s source of aviation market intelligence and a part of the Aviation Week Network. Concurrently held are CAPA Airline Leader Summit Asia & Sustainability Awards 2024. More details…

Informa Markets亞洲宣佈,超級樞紐博覽會,一個彙聚航空、海運、鐵路和道路行業專業人士的開創性展會,將在香港亞洲國際博覽館舉行。
超級樞紐博覽會與 CAPA - Centre for Aviation(CAPA)達成了重要合作進程,CAPA 是全球最值得信賴的航空市場情報來源之一,也是《航空周刊》的一部分。同一時間,CAPA並會舉行2024亞洲航空領袖峰會及可持續性大獎


The New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme is Open for Application
The new Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES) is open for application since 1 March. An eligible applicant must make investment of a minimum of HK$30 million in the permissible investment assets. A successful applicant may bring dependants (including spouse and unmarried dependent children aged under 18) to Hong Kong. Invest Hong Kong is responsible for assessing whether the applications fulfill the financial requirements under the Scheme, and the Immigration Department is responsible for assessing the applications for visa/entry permit and extension of stay, etc. More details…



SME Financing Guarantee Scheme Extends Application Period
The application period of the 80% Guarantee Product and the 90% Guarantee Product of the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS) are being extended for two years to end-March 2026. Enterprises wishing to apply for loans may approach the lending institutions. More details…


AIRSIDE to Launch Pilot Phase of Plastic Circular Programme
Nan Fung is launching its pilot phase Circular Programme in its shopping mall AIRSIDE to offer complimentary reusable takeaway containers for borrow and return. Six F&B merchants - Cinnabon, TREEHOUSE, ideaology, Pickabowl, GOOCA, and Grind & Brew are joining forces to promote plastic circularity. In the partnership team are ch00ze, a technology platform that offers digitally tracked tableware rental provided by Circular City and social enterprise The Jade Club where seniors are hired as AIRSIDE's Sustainability Senior Heroes, overseeing the quality control of borrowed takeaway cups and containers using advanced technology. More details…

南豐集團於其購物中心AIRSIDE推出循環容器試驗測試,免費提供可重複使用的外帶容器供借用和歸還。六家餐飲商家包括 Cinnabon、TREEHOUSE、ideology、Pickabowl、GOOCA 和 Grind & Brew 聯手推動塑膠循環。合作夥伴包括追蹤技術平台ch00ze,Circular City提供數位追蹤餐具租賃服務,以及社會企業尊賢會,通過該會聘用年長人士成為”走塑俠”,負責以手機應用程式追蹤容器的使用情況,檢查及處理借還容器。詳情…


French May
May 2024

Vinexpo Asia
28-30 May 2024

Our Food Our Future Unconference 2.0
31 May 2024

Hong Kong International Travel Expo
13-16 June 2024

World of Snacks
17-23 July 2024


Should you need any advice on setting up in Hong Kong, please get in touch.
Our services are free, confidential and tailored to your needs.

Tourism and Hospitality Team
Telephone: +852 3107 1000

*Information in this newsletter is updated as at 23 April 2024
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