"Hello Hong Kong" Campaign Launched to Promote Hong Kong Around the World
The "Hello Hong Kong" campaign is launched and has unveiled a series of promotional activities and highlighted the many new attractions, developments and opportunities for visitors coming to Hong Kong. "Hello Hong Kong" is a large-scale global promotional campaign focusing on four major areas: (i). 500,000 free air tickets will be distributed to welcome visitors to Hong Kong; (ii). sponsored visits to business leaders, political dignitaries, media representatives and influential figures to experience the real Hong Kong and new tourist attractions; (iii). the Government will lead and organise different delegations to the Mainland and overseas countries to introduce the unparalleled strengths of the city; and (iv). revive the city’s MICE tourism sector with more MICE and mega events, international conventions and exhibitions. More details…


行政長官李家超主持「你好,香港!」啓動禮,展開一連串宣傳推廣活動,向全球展現香港的新魅力、新發展、新機遇。「你好,香港!」是一個大型全球宣傳活動,聚焦四個主要範疇,包括:(一)「迎客來」你好!香港:免費派發五十萬張機票,歡迎海內外人士來臨香港; (二)「請客來」貴賓訪港:邀請商界翹楚、政要、傳媒業界和具影響力人士等到訪香港,親身體會香港真實的一面; (三)「走出去」說好故事:特區政府會帶領和組織不同的訪問團到內地和外國,介紹香港在「一國兩制」下享有無可比擬的優勢; (四)「盛事來」商機不絕:大型盛事,從金融、經濟、創新科技,到體育賽事、文化藝術和美酒佳餚,以至大型國際會議和展覽亦陸續回歸,推動會展旅遊。 詳情…

Image courtesy: Information Services Department

Follow 2023’s Hottest F&B Trends at HOFEX (10-12 May)
The food and beverage industry has seen a lot of changes in the last few years. However, amidst the reconstruction atmosphere of the post-COVID economy, consumers still tend to look for satisfaction and comfort from culinary delights. As the leading regional trade fair of the industry, HOFEX is a comprehensive platform encompassing abounding products, allowing you to connect with your targeted manufacturers or buyers in a trouble-free approach. More details…


餐飲行業在過去幾年經歷了不少變化,然而在後疫情時代的經濟復甦氛圍下,消費者仍傾向於美食尋求滿足感。作為行業領先的亞洲區內餐飲展覽,HOFEX涵蓋豐富產品種類,載譽口碑吸引眾多參展商及與會人士,餐飲產品製造商及供應商可與買家輕鬆建立聯繫,一同將最合適的產品帶給客戶。 詳情…

Image courtesy: HOFEX
WINE 葡萄酒

ProWine Hong Kong Making Its Grand Return (10-12 May)
This monumental event in wine and spirits industry congregates world-wide boutique wineries, high-profile producers, together with accessories suppliers and equipment manufacturers. Buyers will be able to delve into the world of finest wines and spirits, as well as to select the best wines for you and your targeted consumers. Moreover, a series of forums, seminars, specialised masterclasses offer exciting topics that will definitely empower you with the latest market trends! Pre-register as visitor immediately to connect with global wine businesses and expand a myriad of opportunities! More details…

是次展覽會(ProWine Hong Kong)將聚集全球精品酒莊、優質葡萄酒生產企業、各大酒吧設備及品酒配件企業,讓一眾買家探索醇香美酒世界,並挑選最適合您以及消費者的佳釀,同時全方位掌握酒類市場。除此之外,美酒論壇、研討會、大師班等一系列精彩活動亦能讓您了解業界最新動向,滿載而歸!立即登記參加,與世界葡萄酒市場接軌,開拓龐大商機! 詳情…

Image courtesy: ProWine Hong Kong

Expansion of Pilot Scheme on Immigration Facilitation for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors
The Government has expanded the Pilot Scheme on Immigration Facilitation for Visitors Participating in Short-term Activities in Designated Sectors, allowing more non-local talents to participate in specified short-term activities as visitors, without the need to apply for employment visas/entry permits. The Pilot Scheme will be expanded to twelve sectors, adding about 50 authorised host organisations. After expansion, the Pilot Scheme will cover more international events and mega activities. More details…

政府已擴展「為來港參與指定界別短期活動的訪客提供入境便利先導計劃」,讓更多非本地人才以訪客身分來港參與指定短期活動而無須申請工作簽證/進入許可。經檢討後,在現行十個指定界別外,先導計劃將擴展至十二個界別,並新增共約50個認可機構。擴展後的先導計劃將涵蓋更多國際盛事及大型活動,例如亞洲金融論壇及國際賽馬比賽等。 詳情…

Legislative Control Set for Cannabidiol
New legislative control of cannabidiol (CBD) has come into effect on 1 February, thereby placing CBD under the same strict control as other dangerous drugs under the Dangerous Drugs Ordinance. The Customs & Excise Department has warned that the importation of such products, including food or drinks containing CBD, into Hong Kong will be prohibited and the public is advised not bring any cannabis products or products containing CBD into the city. More details…

二月一日起,大麻二酚納入《危險藥物條例》管制,進出口、非法製造、管有和服用大麻二酚均屬違法。海關提醒市民購物時應留意產品是否含該物質,並切勿從外地攜帶含大麻二酚的產品回港。 詳情…

Producer Responsibility Scheme on Glass Beverage Containers Accepts Supplier Registrations from 1 February
The producer responsibility scheme on glass beverage containers (GPRS) will be fully implemented on 1 May to promote the recycling of waste glass beverage containers in Hong Kong. Starting from 1 February, the Environmental Protection Department (EPD) will accept registrations from suppliers, and accept applications for exemption from payment of container recycling levies and applications for container waste disposal licences. More details…

玻璃飲料容器生產者責任計劃將於五月一日全面實施,以促進本港廢玻璃飲料容器的循環再造。環境保護署(環保署)二月一日起接受供應商登記,以及接受有關豁免繳付容器循環再造徵費和容器廢物處置牌照的申請。 詳情…


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Tourism and Hospitality Team
Telephone: +852 3107 1000

*Information in this newsletter is updated as at 22 Feb 2023
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