Vegetarian Food Asia (VFA) Celebrates 10th Anniversary
(8-10 Mar)
2024 marks the return of the 10th VFA where exhibitors, trade buyers, and the vegetarian community meet and share different highlights. The show will include an industry forum to discuss latest trend in the vegetarian and green living markets; a new VegFood Zone for food tasting; Café and Bakery Area specially designed for the trending coffee and bakery and Business Matching Programme to put your products to the right person. More details…
第十屆亞洲素食展於2024年將為參展商,業界買家以及素食社群呈獻一系列主題活動,包括:共同探討素食和綠色生活市場的最新趨勢的行業洞察論壇;是屆新設的素食熟食展區,將成為展會亮點,吸引大量愛好美食的參觀人士;專為流行咖啡、烘焙產品而設的咖啡及烘焙專區,以及商貿配對計劃,通過一對一會議向高端買家展示最暢銷的產品。 詳情…
Image courtesy: Hong Kong Tourism Board |
Hong Kong Food Products Pact Signed
Hong Kong and Mainland authorities have signed a co-operation agreement on the supervision of safety and facilitation of customs clearance of food products manufactured in Hong Kong exported to the Mainland. It aims to facilitate customs clearance for food products that meet relevant requirements to shorten the time required for customs clearance, further enhances the safety of local food products exported to the Mainland and facilitating trade. The co-operation agreement will initially cover beverages and cold drinks excluding alcoholic and dairy beverages; biscuits, pastries and bread as well as candies and chocolates. The arrangement will be available at the ports under Shenzhen Customs and Gongbei Customs. The new measure is expected to start in the first half of the year. More details…
特區政府與國家海關總署簽署合作協議,為符合要求的食品設立便利通關安排,以縮短清關所需時間,進一步保障香港輸往內地食品的安全和促進貿易便利化。新措施預計於上半年推出。合作協議首階段涵蓋飲料及冷凍飲品,但不包括含酒精類及奶類飲品;餅乾、糕點及麵包;以及糖果及巧克力三大類食品。實施便利通關安排的內地口岸包括深圳海關轄區口岸和拱北海關轄區口岸。 詳情…
FEHD Introduces Online Renewal Services for Some Licences and Permits
The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has introduced online renewal services for some food business licences, restricted food permits and other trade licences (excluding General Restaurant/Light Refreshment Restaurant/Factory Canteen Licence and Karaoke Establishment Permit). Following the instructions stated on the notification letter, relevant licensees or permittees may choose to renew and pay the fee through the "Online Licence Services" website
(www.licensing.gov.hk) by using "iAM Smart".
More details…
食物環境衞生署(食環署)為部分食物業牌照、限制出售的食物許可證和其他行業牌照(普通食肆/小食食肆/工廠食堂牌照及卡拉OK場所許可證除外)推出網上續期服務。相關持牌人或持證人可按續期通知書的指示,選擇經「網上牌照服務」網站(www.licensing.gov.hk)使用「智方便」續期和繳交續期費用。 詳情…
MTR Launches the Joint Initiative with WWF and foodpanda - Reusable Food Container Scheme
The MTR Corporation has launched a plastic reduction campaign, initiating all food and beverage shops across the MTR network to participate. It includes inviting shops to sign the Environmental Protection Pledge and encouraging takeaway F&B shops to accept customers to bring their own food containers. MTR is also collaborating with WWF and foodpanda to launch the Reusable Food Container Scheme at Hong Kong Station enabling the public to borrow and return reusable food containers with ease thus encouraging the public to reduce disposable tableware. More details…
港鐵公司宣布推出環保減塑運動,邀請商戶簽署環保約章、鼓勵外賣餐飲店接受客人自帶餐盒。港鐵公司亦聯同世界自然基金會香港分會及foodpanda香港啟動【減塑起行 從「揀」開始】合作,利用港鐵網絡便利的優勢,於香港站推出可重用餐盒計劃,讓市民更方便地自助借用及歸還可重用餐盒,鼓勵大眾減少使用即棄餐具。 詳情…
Hong Kong Holiday and Travel Expo 2024 (22-25 Feb)
Join travel industry professionals, enthusiasts, and experts from around the world to discover the latest travel products and services, gain valuable insights into global destinations and emerging trends, and network with industry elites. Immerse yourself in informative presentations and conferences led by renowned travel experts and leaders. Whether you're looking to expand your travel business or seeking inspiration for your next adventure, this is a remarkable opportunity to connect, learn, and stay ahead in the dynamic world of travel. The event will be held at the HKCEC. More details…
香港旅遊博覽會2024 (2月22至25日)
Image courtesy: Exhibitiongroup |
Hong Kong to Host Asia’s First Edition of ComplexCon (22-24 Mar)
The US pop culture festival, ComplexCon will take place outside the US for the first time and launch the first Asia edition in Hong Kong to coincide with the Hong Kong Arts Month. ComplexCon Hong Kong is supported by the government’s Mega Arts and Cultural Events Fund, the festival will be an unprecedented experience for global pop culture fans in Hong Kong and overseas as they aim to welcome over 30,000 guests to AsiaWorld-Expo.
More details…
ComplexCon 2024年3月22至24日
Image courtesy: Hong Kong Tourism Board
Vinexpo Asia is Back
(28-30 May)
This international industry event for the wine and spirits trade in Asia will feature over 1,000 exhibitors who are keen to connect with distribution partners in China and Asia-Pacific. Vinexpo Asia gathers producers and trade members under one roof to source, promote discovery and new relationships and help businesses grow across the region’s booming wine and spirits market.
More details…
Vinexpo Asia重臨香港
此次國際性的亞洲葡萄酒及烈酒貿易行業盛會展會將吸引超過 1,000 家渴望與中國和亞太地區的分銷合作夥伴建立聯繫的參展商。酒莊和貿易商將聚集在 Vinexpo Asia 展會進行採購、建立聯繫以及交流行業動向,使企業在地區蓬勃發展的葡萄酒和烈酒市場的銷售得以增長。詳情…
HKTB Wins World’s Leading MICE Event Inaugural IBTM Asia Pacific 2025 to be Staged in Hong Kong
Hong Kong has won IBTM, the world’s leading Meetings, Incentives, Conventions and Exhibitions (MICE) event brand, to organise its inaugural event in Spring 2025 in Hong Kong. The event is expected to attract more than 1,500 travel trade and MICE professionals from Asia and long-haul markets. It provides an ideal platform for travel agents, hotels, MICE venues, attractions, airlines and other industry players to explore business opportunities and helps consolidate Hong Kong’s position as the World’s Meeting Place and facilitate the development of MICE tourism throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
More details…
頂尖會展旅遊旗艦活動落戶香港 首屆 IBTM Asia Pacific 會展旅遊展會 2025 年在港舉行
香港旅遊發展局宣布,成功爭取全球頂尖的會議、展覽及獎勵旅遊(會展旅遊)活動品牌 IBTM,於 2025 年春季在香港舉辦其首次亞太區大型會展旅遊展會,目標吸引逾一千五百名來自亞洲及長途市場的業界人士。這項頂尖會展旅遊展會不僅為旅行代理商、酒店、會展場地、景點、航空公司等業界,提供拓展國際商機的廣闊平台,更有助提升香港作為國際會展之都的地位,以至促進整個亞太區會展旅遊的發展。詳情…
GENERAL 一般消息 |
Invest Hong Kong’s Hong Kong Business Made Easy TV Programme Debut
17 enterprises, from startups to Mainland and overseas corporations, will share how they establish and expand their businesses in Hong Kong with the support from Hong Kong government’s initiatives and tailored one-stop services from Invest Hong Kong in 8 weekly episodes. First episode explored two food and beverage enterprises, Hyakunousha International Limited and KIN Food Halls. Watch the programme on RTHK Channel 31 on every Saturday from 6 Jan or revisit at InvestHK youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@investhk
投資推廣署《講商機 港機遇》電視節目首播
為17 家企業,包括初創公司、內地及海外企業,將在節目中分享他們如何在在香港建立和拓展業務,以及政府便利營商措施及投資推廣署量身定制的一站式服務。第一集探討了兩家食品和飲料企業:百農社國際有限公司(華御結)和KIN Food Halls。節目由 1 月 6 日起每週六在香港電台 31 頻道播出,或到投資推廣署 youtube 頻道重溫:https://www.youtube.com/@investhk
Details of New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme Announced
The Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (CIES) is introduced with a view to further enriching the talent pool and attracting more new capital to Hong Kong. The new CIES will accept applications from eligible persons aged 18 or above with net assets of not less than HK$30 million to which he/she is absolutely beneficially entitled throughout the two years preceding the application. An applicant must make an investment of a minimum of HK$30 million in the permissible investment assets, including investing a minimum of HK$27 million in the permissible financial assets and non-residential real estate, and placing HK$3 million into a new CIES Investment Portfolio that supports the long-term development of Hong Kong's economy. More details…
“Pilot Scheme on Food Waste Smart Recycling Bins in Private Housing Estates Opens for Application
To facilitate the Government's initiative of expanding the food waste collection network, the government rolls out the Pilot Scheme on Food Waste Smart Recycling Bins in Private Housing Estates (the Scheme). More details…
26-28 January 2024
Hong Kong Holiday and Travel Expo
22-24 February 2024
Vegetarian Food Asia
8-10 March 2024
22-24 March 2024
Vinexpo Asia
28-30 May 2024
Should you need any advice on setting up in Hong Kong, please get in touch.
Our services are free, confidential and tailored to your needs. |
Tourism and Hospitality Team
Telephone: +852 3107 1000
Email: tnh@investhk.gov.hk
Website: www.investhk.gov.hk
*Information in this newsletter is updated as at 13 Jannuary 2024 |
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