Serving Up Global Delicacies – HKTDC Food Expo (17–21 Aug)
The HKTDC Food Expo provides an effective marketing platform for exhibitors to increase brand awareness and expand retail business. Riding on the past success of Food Expo Trade Hall, the Food Expo PRO will focus on and further deepen the B2B elements, with a view to providing a one-stop professional business platform to help F&B industry players explore opportunities and build connections. Concurrently held are Home Delights Expo, Beauty & Wellness Expo, Hong Kong International Tea Fair and International Conference of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine and Health Products. More details…
博覽 (8月17至21日)
香港貿發局美食博覽為參展商提供一個有效的推廣平台,提升品牌知名度及拓展零售業務。承接「美食博覽貿易館」多年來的成功經驗,「美食商貿博覽」將專注並進一步加強貿易採購元素,為餐飲業提供一站式的專業商貿平台,助企業開拓機遇及建立聯繫。同期展覽包括: 家電‧家居‧博覽;美與健生活博覽;美食商貿博覽;香港國際茶展以及國際現代化中醫藥及健康產品會議。 詳情…
Image courtesy: HKTDC
Better With Beer – Hong Kong’s Ultimate Craft Beer Festival
(15-16 Sept)
Brought to you by the team behind Clockenflap in partnership with the Craft Beer Association of Hong Kong, Better With Beer is Hong Kong’s ultimate craft beer festival, serving up the perfect brew of tasty tipples, live music, irresistible food, crazy out outdoor games, and much more! The two-day event will feature over 150 beers from more than 20 breweries at Central Harbourfront. More details…
香港舉行手工啤酒節 (9月15至16日)
活動由 Clockenflap 音樂及藝術節背後嘅團隊主理,並且與 CBAHK (CRAFT BEER ASSOCIATION OF HONG KONG)合作。Better With Beer 將會精選超過 20 個手工啤酒品牌 及 150 種不同類型的手工啤酒!除此之外,活動還有精彩音樂表演、精選特色美食、意想不到的戶外遊戲。 詳情…
Updates on Marking and Labelling Requirement on Prepackaged Food Containing Hydrogenated Oils
The Food and Drugs (Composition and Labelling) (Amendment) Regulation stipulates that any prepackaged food containing hydrogenated oils, e.g. fully hydrogenated oil, must be indicated accordingly in the list of ingredients. The related marking and labelling requirement will be effective on 1 December, 2023.
More details…
《2021年食物及藥物(成分組合及標籤)(修訂)規例》,規定預先包裝食物如含有氫化油(例如完全氫化油)必須在其配料表中作出相應標示,並將於2023年12月1日生效。 詳情…
HOTEL 酒店業 |
Research Study "Sustainability Adoption in the Hospitality Industry" by GREEN Hospitality Calls for Participation
GREEN Hospitality has recently launched the Hong Kong & Greater Bay Area Sustainable Hospitality Roadmap to foster innovation and use sustainability as the main driver of business. As a first step, GREEN Hospitality is mapping the adoption of sustainability in the industry through a research study. The survey will serve as a general self-assessment and inquiry into the state of sustainability adoption – and can provide businesses a benchmark for sustainability targets and achievements. The survey is now open at https://forms.gle/R2nM2Bica6MrDSKJA and all individuals working in the hospitality industry are encouraged to participate. To learn more, please email: roadmap@greenhospitality.io
GREEN Hospitality最近發佈了香港及大灣區可持續酒店業路線圖,以促進創新並將可持續發展作為業務發展的主要驅動力。作為第一步,GREEN Hospitality正在通過一項調查來了解酒店業界內可持續發展的採用情況。該調查將讓業界對可持續發展採用狀況作出自我評估和探索,以及作為業界可持續發展目標和成就的基準。該調查現已上載於:https://forms.gle/R2nM2Bica6MrDSKJA,並鼓勵所有在酒店業界企業或個人參與。如欲了解更多信息,請電郵至:roadmap@greenhospitality.io
Image courtesy: GREEN Hospitality |
The Harbour Chill Carnival is coming to Wan Chai’s Harbourfront!
For five weekends from 8 July 2023, the large-scale summer carnival will bring you a series of live music shows on a water stage, street performances from around the world, thrilling X-Games performances, and the Waterfront Pyrotechnic Edition of ‘A Symphony of Lights’. Admission is free, and refreshing sips and bites will be served. So, round up your friends, date and family, grab your free tickets for the music shows, and join us for a chill and fun summer in Hong Kong! More details…
由7月8日起一連五個週六日的晚上,大家可以一邊欣賞維港美景,一邊投入活力四射的維港水上音樂會、匯聚不同地方特色的多元街頭表演、充滿動感的極限運動表演,以及「幻彩詠香江」水上煙火版等免費連串精采節目,盡享熾熱又悠閒的夏日氣息。無論是親子同遊,假日好友歡聚,或是愛侶約會,都為你締造充滿歡樂與活力的盛夏維港體驗! 詳情…
Image courtesy: Hong Kong Tourism Board
Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong and Natural and Organic Asia to Hold Jointly and Energise the Foodservice Sector (5-7 Sept)
Restaurant & Bar Hong Kong (RBHK) gathers culinary experts, beverage masters, and restaurant & bar owners to feast on a wealth of culinary innovations, revolutionary insights and business opportunities. From food ingredients, wines & spirits, natural products to equipment, design supplies and technologies, RBHK dishes up everything needed for restaurants and bars. This year, Natural & Organic Asia will become part of RBHK. By venturing into the natural and organic sector at RBHK, the industries together will drive a more sustainable sustainable future. More details…
香港餐飲展加入亞洲天然及有機博覽,為香港餐飲市場注入動力 (9月5至7日)
香港餐飲展 (RBHK) 作為備受歡迎的餐飲業交流平台,致力為區內高水準餐飲專家、餐廳及酒吧東主打造一場無可比擬的餐飲盛宴。展覽呈獻餐廳及酒吧所需的所有產品及服務,包括食品原料、葡萄酒、烈酒以至器材、供應品和餐飲技術等,更提供大量營商、聯繫及交流切磋的機會,為香港餐飲市場注入動力之餘,訂立更高的業界標準。亞洲天然及有機博覽將加入香港餐飲展成為旗下展區,展示一系列健康食品飲料及天然生活產品,藉此推動天然有機及餐飲業合作,攜手推動可持續發展。詳情…
ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA Heads Back to Hong Kong (6–8 Sept)
Asia continues to drive the growth of the global fresh produce trade, and Hong Kong lies at the heart of the region which is home to more than 20 different markets. ASIA FRUIT LOGISTICA will take place at AsiaWorld-Expo again, bringing together leading players from across the global fresh fruit and vegetable industry and throughout the value chain. It will take place together with ASIAFRUIT CONGRESS, where expert speakers share high-level insights on the key topics and trends in the trade. More details…
亞洲依舊是全球新鮮果蔬貿易增長的推動力,而香港位處亞洲中心位置,在20多個貿易市場中發揮著重要作用。亞洲國際果蔬展覽會將於亞洲國際博覽館舉行,彙集來自全球新鮮果蔬行業以及整個價值鏈的龍頭企業。展會將與亞洲歷史悠久的新鮮果蔬行業會議—亞洲水果國際果蔬大會一起舉行。演講嘉賓將就貿易中的關鍵議題和趨勢分享專業見解。 詳情…
GENERAL 一般消息 |
“The BUD Fund - Easy BUD” Simplified Application Track
The Government launched “Easy BUD” in June 2023 to provide a simplified application track under the Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund). The target processing time of "Easy BUD" applications will be halved to within 30 working days as compared with general BUD applications. More details…
政府於今年6月推出簡易申請計劃「BUD專項基金」—「申請易」。與一般「BUD專項基金」申請相比,「申請易」的目標處理時間將減半至30個工作天內。 詳情…
Image courtesy: Trade and Industry Department
Extension of Principal Moratorium for SME Financing Guarantee Scheme
As entrusted by the Government, HKMC Insurance Limited announced that the application period for the principal moratorium arrangement under the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS) will be further extended by three months to end in end-September 2023. The maximum principal moratorium period will remain at 42 months. More details…
香港按證保險有限公司受政府委託,宣布「中小企融資擔保計劃」下還息不還本安排的申請期再度延長三個月,至二○二三年九月底完結,還息不還本期上限維持在42個月。 詳情…
World of Snacks
19-25 July
Food Expo
17-21 August
Restaurant & Bar
5-7 September
Natural & Organic Asia
5-7 September
Asia Fruit Logistica
6-8 September
Should you need any advice on setting up in Hong Kong, please get in touch.
Our services are free, confidential and tailored to your needs. |
Tourism and Hospitality Team
Telephone: +852 3107 1000
Email: tnh@investhk.gov.hk
Website: www.investhk.gov.hk
*Information in this newsletter is updated as at 17 July 2023 |
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