Henderson Land Group Teams Up with Food Made Good HK to Pilot Hong Kong’s Industry-leading Menu Carbon Labelling Programme
The programme is dedicated to fostering a more sustainable food culture, allowing diners at participating restaurants to easily find carbon labelled icons on their menus clearly displaying each dish’s environmental impact, thereby encouraging them to choose responsibly. The carbon footprint for the various dishes at the restaurants will be checked and data will be aggregated with a range of food impact factors including land use, transport and packaging to examine whether consumption behaviour changes. More details…
恒基兆業地產集團聯同Food Made Good HK推出香港業界領先餐單碳標籤先導計劃
該計劃讓顧客可在餐單上輕易找到碳標籤圖示,了解每道菜式對環境的影響,從而鼓勵大眾作出負責任的餐飲選擇。碳標籤計劃會由國際推崇的數據合作夥伴集合不同的食物影響因素,包括土地使用、運輸和包裝,以計算不同菜式的碳足跡,從而分析消費行為有否改變。 詳情…
Image courtesy: Henderson
Tech for Food – KIN Food Halls
Matthew Reid, founder of KIN Food Halls, walks us through his vision and mission to create the technologies that offer systemic change in the F&B business. KIN is accelerating its expansion, leveraging Hong Kong’s ideal entrepreneurial environment and unique role in the Greater Bay Area ecosystem, watch video:
English and Traditional Chinese subtitles
Japanese subtitles
French subtitles
KIN Food Halls創始人Matthew Reid向我們展示了他的願景和使命 – 創造能夠為餐飲業帶來系統性變革的技術。KIN正在迅速擴張,利用香港理想的創業環境,以及在大灣區生態系統中的獨特角色,觀看影片:
HOTEL 酒店業 |
Hong Kong & Greater Bay Area Sustainable Hospitality Roadmap
GREEN Hospitality has launched a collaborative initiative to accelerate sustainability and foster innovation as a core value across the hospitality ecosystem, using sustainability as the main driver of business competitiveness for the Hong Kong, Macao, and the Greater Bay Area. The project will run throughout 2023 and culminate with a regional conference, where common targets and comprehensive guidelines will be formalised. More details…
GREEN Hospitality發起了一項合作計劃,以加速整個酒店生態系統的可持續發展和以創新能力作為核心價值,將可持續發展作為香港、澳門和大灣區商業競爭力的主要驅動力。該項目將貫穿2023 年,並以區域會議作結,屆時將正式確立共同目標和綜合指引。 詳情…
Image courtesy: GREEN Hospitality |
Enhancement of Travel Agents Incentive Scheme
The Government announced in the 2023-24 Budget the enhanced measures to be implemented for Travel Agents Incentive Scheme so as to facilitate the speedy recovery of the industry. (1) Further extend the deadline of the Scheme by three months to 30 June 2023, i.e. the period of eligible trips (inbound and outbound) under the Scheme will be extended until 30 June 2023; (2) Provide 500 new quota for each licensed travel agent; and (3) Align the level of cash incentive for inbound traveler from HK$120 to HK$100. More details…
政府在2023-24年度《財政預算案》宣布優化《旅行社鼓勵計劃》以幫助業界盡快復甦,相關內容:(一) 進一步延長計劃期限三個月至2023年6月30日(即計劃下的合資格旅程(入境和出境)的期間延長至2023年6月30日);(二) 為每間持牌旅行代理商提供500名新配額;以及(三) 將入境旅客的鼓勵金水平由每位旅客港幣$120劃一至港幣$100。
GHM Hotel Industry Development Leaders Summit & GHM "Golden Pearl Award" Award Ceremony Coming to HOFEX
Jointly organised by HOFEX and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Hotel General Managers Society, the Summit will take place at HOFEX on 10 May. More than 150 influential leaders in the hotel industry from the Greater Bay Area will gather at the Summit to network and share insights on the latest trends and technologies to drive business growth. The GHM "Golden Pearl Award" Award Ceremony will also be held concurrently to honour veterans and new blood of the industry. More details…
領袖峰會暨頒獎典禮由HOFEX與粵港澳酒店總經理協會合辦,將於HOFEX展會期間5月10日舉行。峰會將匯聚粵港澳大灣區酒店及款待行業逾150名精英,共同分享見解及討論最新的酒店行業趨勢及科技,以推動業務增長。活動同時將舉行GHM金珠獎頒獎典禮,以表彰行業資深人員及新銳。 詳情…
Image courtesy: HOFEX |
Partnership for Sustainability Leadership in Business” Invites Circularity Solutions Startups to Exhibit
The Centre for Civil Society and Governance at the HKU has launched “Partnership for Sustainability Leadership in Business”, a project to build knowledge and create an ecosystem for partnerships among large corporates, SMEs and startups on business sustainability. It is calling for startups with a focus on hospitality and circularity solutions and products on waste auditing, recycling, upcycling, and sustainable packaging and so on to exhibit at its Knowledge Primer event. Titled “Scaling Circularity through Transformative Technologies and Business Model Innovations”, the event will be held on 4 July where academia, MNCs and corporate incubators will share insights on circular transition. Event space is free, contact: pslb@hku.hk More details…
香港大學公民社會與治理研究中心推行的「商界永續發展領袖計劃」旨在建立知識分享平台,連結大型企業、中小企以及初創企業,並協助各界共建永續價值鏈,推進永續發展。中心邀請有關款待行業資源循環產品及方案,包括:廢物審計、資源回收、升級再造或可持續包裝等有關的初創企業,於7月4日舉行的「知識講堂 - 透過革新性的科技及商業模式的創新擴大循環經濟的規模」活動展出。來自學術界、跨國企業及企業孵化器的代表將以不同切入點作討論,分享在循環經濟的趨勢下,對企業轉型的見解。參展費用全免,聯絡主辦單位: pslb@hku.hk 詳情…
GENERAL 一般消息 |
SME Financing Guarantee Scheme Extends Application Period
The Financial Secretary announced in the 2023-24 Budget an extension of the application period of the 80% Guarantee Product, the 90% Guarantee Product and the Special 100% Loan Guarantee of the SME Financing Guarantee Scheme (SFGS) from end-June 2023 to end-March 2024. Enterprises wishing to apply for loans may approach the lending institutions. More details…
財政司司長於2023-24年度《財政預算案》宣布,「中小企融資擔保計劃」下「八成信貸擔保產品」、「九成信貸擔保產品」及「百分百擔保特惠貸款」的申請期限由2023年6月底延長至2024年3月底。 詳情…
Government Introduces Bill into Legislative Council for Regulation of Disposable Plastic Tableware and Other Plastic Products
The Government submitted the Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 to the Legislative Council for the regulation of disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products. Major proposals include phased regulation of disposable plastic tableware and phased regulation of other plastic products. More details…
政府向立法會提交《 2023年產品環保責任 ( 修訂 ) 條例草案 》,以管制即棄膠餐具和其他塑膠產品。主要建議包括:分階段管制即棄膠餐具及分階段管制其他塑膠產品。
Le French May
1-31 May
10-12 May
10-12 May
www.prowineasia.com/hk/ |
Affordable Art Fair
18-21 May
https://affordableartfair.com/fairs/hong-kong/ |
International Travel Expo
15-18 June
http://www.itehk.com/ |
HKTDC World of Snacks
19-25 July
https://www.hktdc.com/event/worldofsnacks/en/ |
Should you need any advice on setting up in Hong Kong, please get in touch.
Our services are free, confidential and tailored to your needs. |
Tourism and Hospitality Team
Telephone: +852 3107 1000
Email: tnh@investhk.gov.hk
Website: www.investhk.gov.hk
*Information in this newsletter is updated as at 5 May 2023 |
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