Bill Passed for Regulating Disposable Plastic Tableware and Other Plastic Products and Enhancing Existing Producer Responsibility Schemes
The Government noted that the Legislative Council passed the Product Eco-responsibility (Amendment) Bill 2023 for regulating disposable plastic tableware and other plastic products, and for enhancing two existing producer responsibility schemes (PRS). More details…
政府表示立法會已通過《2023年產品環保責任(修訂)條例草案》(《條例草案》),以管制即棄膠餐具和其他塑膠產品,以及優化兩個現行生產者責任計劃。 詳情…
Exciting Lineup of Global and Local Brands at the 21st Hong Kong Food Festival
(23-27 December)
The 21st Hong Kong Food Festival is set to take place at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre, for a five-day extravaganza. This year, the festival will bring together renowned brands from Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Southeast Asia, alongside exciting debuts from local brands. More details…
第21屆香港冬日美食節匯聚國際及本地品牌 (12月23至27日)
第21屆香港冬日美食節,一連五天於香港會議展覽中心舉行。今年不但集中一眾香港、日、韓、台及東南亞知名品牌,更有多個首次登場的本地品牌。 詳情…
A Practical Guidebook to a Circular Economy - Collaborating with Value Chain Partners for a Resilient Business
Designed as a go-to self-study resource particularly for foodservice business owners and managers to grasp and act on the idea of resource circularity, this Guidebook emphasises intellectual access, practicality, value chain-based problem-solving and local relevance. It highlights exemplary circularity projects and best practices for reference, and to provide standard-aligned step-by-step guidance and readily available templates to help the readers translate commitment into action.
Download here:
The Cultural and Heritage Sites Local Tour Incentive Scheme will be transformed into the Characteristic Local Tourism Incentive Scheme
The scheme will provide more in-depth itinerary design, training, etc., with a view to encouraging the trade to develop more thematic tours, including national history tours, green ecology tours, marine tours, traditional culture tours, pop culture tours, intangible cultural heritage experiences, night time adventure, etc. The goal is to showcase the diverse cultural landscape of Hong Kong. More details…
計劃將提供深度遊行程設計、培訓等,鼓勵業界開發特色主題旅遊 ,包括國家歷史旅遊、綠色生態旅遊、藍色資源旅遊、傳統文化旅遊、潮流文化旅遊、非物質文化遺產體驗、晚間探索等更多展現香港文化面貌的主題旅遊。
Image courtesy: Hong Kong Tourism Board |
Dedicated 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme for Cross-boundary Passenger Transport Trade and Dedicated 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme for Travel Sector Extend Application Period
As entrusted by the Government, HKMC Insurance Limited announced a six-month extension of the application period of the Dedicated 100% Loan Guarantee Scheme (DLGS) for Cross-boundary Passenger Transport Trade and the DLGS for Travel Sector to 28 April 2024. More details…
香港按證保險有限公司受政府委託,宣布「跨境客運業百分百擔保貸款專項計劃」及「旅遊業界百分百擔保貸款專項計劃」的申請期延長六個月至 2024年4月28日。 詳情…
Fitness + Wellness Expo on Stage from 25-26 November
The two-day exhibition is anticipating over 15,000 visitors, including more than 2,500 HYROX racers, establishing itself as Hong Kong’s premier indoor fitness and wellness event over the previous two editions. The new Talk Stage aims to help visitors embrace a healthier, fitter and more balanced lifestyle while making informed choices along the way. The Expo will feature instructors headlining an array of fitness, dance, and yoga classes, along with new sports experiences. Additionally, there will be over 120 brand exhibits and a variety of food and beverage choices. More details…
為期兩天的博覽將展示品牌、產品和服務,助港人追求更健康和平衡的生活模式。作為香港最大型的室內運動及健康博覽之一,現場設有不同主題區域 — 包括「健身舞台」、「瑜伽舞台」、HYROX 體能耐力賽和生活休閒博覽。此外,活動還新增了一系列新興運動體驗以及講場供給各參展商及業界人士分享心得,務求為入場人士帶來與別不同的運動體驗及健康知識。 詳情…
Image courtesy: Fitnesswellnessexpo.hk
International Music and Arts Festival Clockenflap to Take Place at Central Harbourfront on 1-3 December
The 13th edition of the festival will feature a forward-thinking lineup, showcasing a truly distinctive and diverse array of artists. From internationally acclaimed acts to regional and local gems, it promises an unparalleled experience to remember. Clockenflap will feature a spectacular outdoor environment with multiple stages, a tempting array of F&B outlets, and an eclectic lineup of international, regional and local acts. More details…
國際音樂節 Clockenflap重臨中環海濱 (12月1-3日)
Clockenflap一直致力於為樂迷帶來具前瞻性的世界級音樂體驗,多元且融合來自國際、亞洲及本地的頂級表演單位。第13屆 Clockenflap的壓軸演出單位及大部份音樂陣容現已組成,繼續落力打造世界級的全方位音樂節體驗,在標誌性的戶外場地設立多個舞台,為廣大樂迷送上一系列必看的國際、亞洲及本地音樂單位表演,加上精心規劃的餐飲美食,令入場人士的聽覺、視覺與味覺均能獲得無限滿足。 詳情…
The AIA Carnival Returns with Thrilling Rides, Games, and Spectacular Entertainment (21 December 2023 – 25 February 2024)
The highly anticipated AIA Carnival is back, bringing excitement and fun to Central Harbourfront. Visitors can enjoy a wide range of thrilling rides, captivating circus acts and game booths. More details…
友邦嘉年華回歸,帶來遊樂設施、遊戲和精彩的娛樂活動 (2023年12月21日至2024年2月25日)
友邦嘉年華再度回歸,為中環海濱帶來精彩娛樂活動。遊客可享受各種刺激的遊樂設施、馬戲團表演和遊戲攤位。 詳情…
LOHAS Expo 2024 Showcases Sustainable Lifestyles and Products, Providing a Platform for Industry Communication and Business Opportunities
(26-28 January 2024)
LOHAS Expo focuses on promoting LOHAS (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) and aims to provide society and consumers with sustainable products, including food, beauty, and healthcare. The three-day exhibition features themed exhibition areas, workshops and displays of related products and services. The exhibition provides a high-quality communication platform, featuring on-site seminars, forums and industry award ceremonies. It serves as an ideal business communication platform for Asian buyers and exhibitors. More details…
樂活博覽 2024展示可持續生活方式和產品,提供行業交流和商機平台 (2024年1月26至28日)
展會致力於在亞洲推廣LOHAS理念(綠色健康的生活方式和可持續的態度),旨在為社會和消費者提供食品、美容、保健等可持續產品。為期三天的展會設有主題展區、工作坊以及相關產品和服務展示。展會提供高質量的交流平台,現場舉辦的各類研討會、論壇和行業頒獎典禮,為亞洲買家和參展商提供理想的商業交流平台。 詳情…
GENERAL 一般消息 |
Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme (ESLS)
To alleviate the manpower shortage across different sectors, the Chief Executive in Council has earlier endorsed the enhancement of the coverage and operation of the Supplementary Labour Scheme (SLS). After consulting the Labour Advisory Board (LAB), the Labour Department (LD) has launched the Enhanced Supplementary Labour Scheme (ESLS) and begin accepting applications on the same date. More details…
為紓緩不同行業人手短缺的問題,行政長官會同行政會議早前通過優化「補充勞工計劃」的涵蓋範圍及運作。經徵詢勞工顧問委員會(勞顧會)的意見,勞工處已推行「補充勞工優化計劃」並開始接受申請。 詳情…
“Multiple-entry Visa” to the Mainland for Foreigners Working in Companies Registered in Hong Kong
To attract more overseas companies to set up operations in Hong Kong and facilitate foreigners working in these companies to travel to the Mainland for business purposes, the government aims to reinforce its role as a connector between the Mainland and the world. Foreign staff of companies registered in Hong Kong may apply for “multiple-entry visas” at the Chinese Visa Application Service Centre in Hong Kong. These visas are valid for two or more years to the Mainland, enjoying priority processing. More details…
為吸引更多外國公司來港成立,便利其人員北上洽談商務,發揮香港聯通世界與內地的角色,香港註冊公司的外國人員可在港向中國簽證申請服務中心申請兩年或以上的「一簽多行」簽證到內地,並會獲加快處理。 詳情…
Fitness + Wellness Expo
25-26 November
1-3 December
AIA Carnival
21 December 2023 – 25 February 2024
Hong Kong Food Festival
23-27 December
26-28 January 2024
Should you need any advice on setting up in Hong Kong, please get in touch.
Our services are free, confidential and tailored to your needs. |
Tourism and Hospitality Team
Telephone: +852 3107 1000
Email: tnh@investhk.gov.hk
Website: www.investhk.gov.hk
*Information in this newsletter is updated as at 13 November 2023 |
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